Crash is an american drama film produced and directed by Paul Haggis. It is about the racial and social problems that people have nowadays because the movie is set in the present (It was released on 2004).
There are many characters in this film because it consists of several stories that interweave during two days in the city of Los Angeles.
The protagonists of the film are: a black police detective with a drugged mother and a thieving younger brother, two car thieves, an atorney and his irritated and pampered wife, a racist veteran, who disgusts his more idealistic younger partner, a successful black Hollywood director and his wife who must deal with racist cop, a Persian-immigrant father who buys a gun to protect his shop, a Hispanic locksmith and his young daughter who is afraid of bullets, and some more.
I personally really like the film because I have found very original the idea of intertwining stories through a car accident and I think that it is very interesting the topic of racism, discrimination and prejudice although I suppose that many people won't like the movie because it's about these discussed topics.
In this film, the accident is just use to discover a complex exploration in the human behavior.
Through dialogues at times shocking, sarcastic and even comic dimensions; Haggis, the director of the movie, shows that it can bring to the fore aspects of social behavior that many people prefer not to review.
Crash also includes the multicultural ambience that Los Angeles has because there are characters from many different countries.
The end of the film is full of contradictions and it has a developed script, where each piece fits perfectly behind the next. And maybe, for that reason, we find hard to believe for some sequences of the film, it is difficult to think that two people who do not know each other at all, cross their paths more than once in just 24 hours.
I believe that in times like this, we should choose to let go, think about the story as a fairy tale; perhaps as the story with which the Latin boy reassures his young daughter, and let the message most repeated and obvious it is, reaches its destination.
To conclude, I recommend this film to everyone because I'm sure that it will be interesting for them and although many people won't want see it because of the topics that it is about, I think that they will like it. I'm glad that we have seen this movie in our class because with it we could realise some topics that are very important in our lives.
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