viernes, 8 de junio de 2012

Crash review

Crash is note the type of movie that you usually watch at the cinema; it is not the story of a protagonist who has a problem and tries to solve it. Crash hasn't got just a main character, it has about ten protagonists and each one ahs his or her own story, which ends "colliding" with the other nine.
Hour protagonists represent the main stereotypes that American population have: a racist policeman, an Arabian who is considered a terrorist just because his origins, a rich black people couple, two black friends who are robbers, a black policeman, and some others. Despite all the violence, disdain and crime shown in the movie by some of the protagonists, remorse also appears as a main topic of the film. For example, the racist policeman humilite the black couple, as he wanted to take it out on some after a bad day, resulting of the balck couple to piss off one with the other, and the next day, as a consequence of the fight, the woman has an car accident, and the policeman who was in the area during the accident has to sorry her, as he needed to be taken out of the car, but she didn't want himt to touch her. In the end,  she takes the apologize, and he's able to take her out of the car that was about explode. Laso, during the night, his husband apologize to her for the fight.
We could say that all the film is follows that structure, just changes a little depending on the story.
I liked the film because of that, you don't know what is going to happen when two or more of the stories collide, it may die someone, or someone may redeem. Also, the plots catches you almost since the beginning of the film, as it starts with a lot of "drama action" (if we can call it like that). To finish, I'd like to say that it also shown how real life really is, more or less, as some people still have that old thought of superiority just because they're white, or that all Arabians are terrorist; the world still use old sterotypes, when they shouldn't.

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