martes, 19 de junio de 2012
People are born with good hearts, but they grow up and learn prejudices. "Crash" is a movie that brings out bigotry and racial stereotypes. The movie is set in Los Angeles, a city with a cultural mix of every nationality. The story begins when several people are involved in a multi-car accident. From that point, we are taken back to the day before the crash, seeing the lives of several characters, and the problems each encounters during that day. An LAPD cop (Matt Dillon) is trying to get medical help for his father, but he is having problems with a black HMO clerk who won't give his father permission to see another doctor. He in turn takes out his frustration on a black couple during a traffic stop. A socialite (Sandra Bullock) and District Attorney (Brandon Fraser) are carjacked at gunpoint by two black teenagers. Sandra takes out her anger on a Mexican locksmith who is changing the door locks to their home. Later that night, the locksmith is again robbed of his dignity by a Persian store-owner. Many of the characters switch from being bad-person-to-hero in ways that may surprise you. Douglas Young (the-movie-guy) It's a wonderful movie!
lunes, 18 de junio de 2012
Crash is a film directed by Paul Haggis of how the lifes of completely different citizens of L.A. . Racism is constantly present during the movie, and is the cement that keep their lifes together. A racist cop and his idealist workmate, an iranian store owner, a couple of rich afroamericans, an hispanic lockman, these are some of the protagonists of the film whose lifes will be crossed with each other due to the discovery of a dead corpse. The film shows really well the situation of the U.S.A. after 11-S, where everyone mistrust foreigners and racism feed hate. Most of the characters act attending to their wishes, and if they are against racism it is because it carries benefits for them. Policemen use their authority to discriminate black people and foreigners, and these claim for their rights. Watching the film was a bit strange, although racism still exists today I wouldn´t think it could reach this limits, at least in Spain, and it is a relief to see that this situation has improved in many countries, but there is still work to be done
Issues of race and gender cause a group of strangers in Los Angeles to physically and emotionally collide in this drama from director and screenwriter Paul_Haggis. Graham is a police detective whose brother is a street criminal, and it hurts him to know his mother cares more about his ne'er-do-well brother than him. Graham's partner is Ria , who is also his girlfriend, though she has begun to bristle at his emotional distance, as well as his occasional insensitivity over the fact he's African-American and she's Hispanic. Rick is an L.A. district attorney whose wife, Jean , makes little secret of her fear and hatred of people unlike herself. Jean's worst imaginings about people of color are confirmed when her SUV is carjacked by two African American men Anthony , who dislikes white people as much as Jean hates blacks, and Peter , who is more open minded. Cameron is a well-to-do African-American television producer with a beautiful wife, Cristine. While coming home from a party, Cameron and Christine are pulled over by Officer Ryan , who subjects them to a humiliating interrogation (and her to an inappropriate search) while his new partner, Officer Hansen , looks on. Daniel is a hard-working locksmith and dedicated father who discovers that his looks don't lead many of his customers to trust him. And Farhad is a Middle Eastern shopkeeper who is so constantly threatened in the wake of the 9/11 attacks that he decided he needs a gun to defend his family. Crash was the first directorial project for award-winning television and film writer Haggis. Mark Deming, Rovi

sábado, 16 de junio de 2012
Crash review
Chopped up and linked together in daisy chain fashion, Crash tells the story of people from wildly disparate walks of life as they collide and intersect with one another. Each life is in some way personally affected, changed, damaged, or victimized by racism. They’re also all in some way guilty of racism themselves. There is no one without spot here, and just when you think you’ve got a character nailed down first time director and screenwriter Paul Haggis peels back another layer to reveal something else entirely underneath. A racist cop molests a black couple, only later to risk his life to save a black woman; an honest cop protects a black man from discrimination only to later discriminate against someone himself. There are no easy answers in Crash and though sometimes the characters rise above their baser fears and intolerance, no one leaves the film unscathed.
Over a thirty-six hour period in Los Angeles, a grup of disparate people's lives combine as they deal with the tense race relations that pervert life in the city.
The ''playes'' are: the Caucasian district attorney, who is always using race as a political card; his Caucasian wife, who, having recently been carjacked by two black men, believes that her views of black is justified and cannot be considered racism; the two black carjackers who use their race and take advantage of it; a black film director and his black wife, whose wife believes her husband doesn't support their black background. There are some other characters, but they are not that important. I really liked the film because is a drama that makes you wonder about life, specially about facts and coincidences in our lifes. If I were you, I wouldn't keep going without watching it!! In fact, I'm wishing to see it again soon!!
The film of the coincidence. The film of the fate. This film made me wonder how much decision we have on our future, or is everything already defined? Is the path of our lifes already design before we are born? Is there there an unanswerable fate we cannot change?
This film shows us that coincidence doesn't exist. Everything is already planned. Surprising facts come to us as hope, but they aren't.
In the film every family had his own story and path, but in the end them all where part of the same big one. That's why, perhaps, from the moment we are born we have unconsciously designed what are we going to do and be in our life. Anyway, we have to enjoy it, because I still believe our life is design while we live, the decision we make along our life are the ones that actually design our life. However, there are some moments and situations that make me wonder if what the film shows is actually true, because, after all, life goes round and round millions of time, what makes difficult to guess where we could end up, but when we arrive there we sometimes beieve we knew we were. Anyway, life is a everywhere path.
viernes, 15 de junio de 2012
Crash is an American film, the latest we have seen, I only see a part of the film because i was absent to one of the classes because of the exams. Now i finish my exams and i want to see the end of the film.
It takes place in Los Angeles, and it teach us one of the main problem in our society, racism. There are many different characters in the film but they also have a relationship. The action of the story takes place in only few days, but at this time their life change completely. Police found a dead body murdered and people of different nationality and places of LA have to meet , between those people a lot of problem come up because of their ideal and thinking, politics, religius...I think that until now it have being a good movie and it show us a very comprehensive view of how we see each other. Clearly there is much to learn before we can call ourselves civilized. I recommend because it teaches us a lot of and is a wonderful film wich has won three Oscars. I will see it for sure!
It takes place in Los Angeles, and it teach us one of the main problem in our society, racism. There are many different characters in the film but they also have a relationship. The action of the story takes place in only few days, but at this time their life change completely. Police found a dead body murdered and people of different nationality and places of LA have to meet , between those people a lot of problem come up because of their ideal and thinking, politics, religius...I think that until now it have being a good movie and it show us a very comprehensive view of how we see each other. Clearly there is much to learn before we can call ourselves civilized. I recommend because it teaches us a lot of and is a wonderful film wich has won three Oscars. I will see it for sure!
Crash is the latest film that whe have seen, but i haven't seen it completely because i didn't came all days to the class because of exams or things like that, but i will explain more or less who i feel with this film and what it is about.
It takes place in Los Angeles, USA. There are lot of problems in the society and people views of how the country is and the differences between people and people thinking. There are also much differences between differents races.
So, one day, police found a dead body that was brutally murdered. This fact was the reason of the "meeting" of some people from differents places of Los Angeles, and then there took place lots of differents between then, like a crashing "crash". A police, his young partner, a woman who worked in White House, an iranian and a cople of africans. Between those people had came up some discussions and problems with religion and politics, that show us how the life in Los Angeles is.
I think this film is very good, and it shows us how people life there and how problems in society and in a country can affect so much people.
I really want to see it completely, because my partners say that it is a very good film and so impresive, so a i don't recommend it now, but i will do it for sure!
It takes place in Los Angeles, USA. There are lot of problems in the society and people views of how the country is and the differences between people and people thinking. There are also much differences between differents races.
So, one day, police found a dead body that was brutally murdered. This fact was the reason of the "meeting" of some people from differents places of Los Angeles, and then there took place lots of differents between then, like a crashing "crash". A police, his young partner, a woman who worked in White House, an iranian and a cople of africans. Between those people had came up some discussions and problems with religion and politics, that show us how the life in Los Angeles is.
I think this film is very good, and it shows us how people life there and how problems in society and in a country can affect so much people.
I really want to see it completely, because my partners say that it is a very good film and so impresive, so a i don't recommend it now, but i will do it for sure!
Crash is the latest film we have watched and in my opinion it is a really good film. Firstly, it can get you a bit confused because there are different stories that intersect each other and you don´t know the characters at first.
The film tells the story of different people from different cultures living in Los Angeles that interact between them. There are many characters in the film and all of them are very different at first but then you realised they are no so different. All the story takes place in only 36 hours and in this few hours their life change completely.
I really like this film because it teaches us many important things for the coexistance and sharing with other cultures. It also denounce one of the most important problems nowadays, the racism. Many peope suffer this repugnant attitude and the film shows how this can be change.
To sum up, I just say it is a very original film that deal with many bad ways of our society and it teaches us very much. It is just wonderful, I recommend ir to everyone!
miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012
Crash is a film that was released on 2004 that tells us about different cultures living in Los Angeles that have to interact between them in their lifes. It won three Oscars, so it's a very good film.
In the film appear many characters: two white cops, one of them veteran and racist, and the other one young and idealistic, two black men, one of them thinks that all the white people are against them, and they steal cars, one black famous TV director and his wife, a Mexican locker and his little daughter, an attorney and his intolerant wife, an Irani owner of a shop and his family... All of them are very different, but also similar. They all will be related in a 36 hours journey that may change their lifes ant the way as they see the world.
I really liked the film because it teaches us some important things about life like you must not judge a person because of his appearance or culture. It also teaches us that we can live all together, no matter which culture are we from. Not only that, if we live without pre-judging others because of what do they look like, the world will be a nicest place to live.
martes, 12 de junio de 2012
My opinion about Crash
Crash is an american drama film produced and directed by Paul Haggis. It is about the racial and social problems that people have nowadays because the movie is set in the present (It was released on 2004).
There are many characters in this film because it consists of several stories that interweave during two days in the city of Los Angeles.
The protagonists of the film are: a black police detective with a drugged mother and a thieving younger brother, two car thieves, an atorney and his irritated and pampered wife, a racist veteran, who disgusts his more idealistic younger partner, a successful black Hollywood director and his wife who must deal with racist cop, a Persian-immigrant father who buys a gun to protect his shop, a Hispanic locksmith and his young daughter who is afraid of bullets, and some more.
I personally really like the film because I have found very original the idea of intertwining stories through a car accident and I think that it is very interesting the topic of racism, discrimination and prejudice although I suppose that many people won't like the movie because it's about these discussed topics.
In this film, the accident is just use to discover a complex exploration in the human behavior.
Through dialogues at times shocking, sarcastic and even comic dimensions; Haggis, the director of the movie, shows that it can bring to the fore aspects of social behavior that many people prefer not to review.
Crash also includes the multicultural ambience that Los Angeles has because there are characters from many different countries.
The end of the film is full of contradictions and it has a developed script, where each piece fits perfectly behind the next. And maybe, for that reason, we find hard to believe for some sequences of the film, it is difficult to think that two people who do not know each other at all, cross their paths more than once in just 24 hours.
I believe that in times like this, we should choose to let go, think about the story as a fairy tale; perhaps as the story with which the Latin boy reassures his young daughter, and let the message most repeated and obvious it is, reaches its destination.
To conclude, I recommend this film to everyone because I'm sure that it will be interesting for them and although many people won't want see it because of the topics that it is about, I think that they will like it. I'm glad that we have seen this movie in our class because with it we could realise some topics that are very important in our lives.
"Crash" is a film that, in my opinion, is surrounded by controversy, for some (including me) is a great movie and, for others it is just a movie that is moralist and easy. In my opinion he deserved the Oscar he received.
The film is about a large number of stories starring people of any race, class, ethnicity, etc ... and every one of those characters in their own skin suffer racism in one way or another. These stories are perfectly courses and have a great thing in his favor, that they are extremely realistic, you think that can happen in reality, those characters and situations you can find on the street. Credibility is one of the most positive thingsabout the movie.
I think the scrip ist excellent despite the use of racist words.
I believe it is a great movie, realistic, emotional, sincere and credible, although in its final part the director and writer tends toward an end that is probably not appropriate.
I recommend it to everyone!!
The film is about a large number of stories starring people of any race, class, ethnicity, etc ... and every one of those characters in their own skin suffer racism in one way or another. These stories are perfectly courses and have a great thing in his favor, that they are extremely realistic, you think that can happen in reality, those characters and situations you can find on the street. Credibility is one of the most positive thingsabout the movie.
I think the scrip ist excellent despite the use of racist words.
I believe it is a great movie, realistic, emotional, sincere and credible, although in its final part the director and writer tends toward an end that is probably not appropriate.
I recommend it to everyone!!
Crash is
one of my favorite movies , I am glad we had the chance to see it in our class.
This movies isn´t just a good movie due to the Oscar it won it´s a incredible
movie because teach you a lesson .
We are not
aware of what is going on , in our society luckily racism is not a main topic
,but in America , even though there is a black president running it , there is
still a lot of racist people .
One of the
main characters from the movie is a policeman
who act randomly and without following the law owing to his racism thoughts. There
is an Arabian who just for the fact that he is from different country with
another cultures he is a terrorist , it dosn´t make any sence at all.
We are
smart and mature enough to chose whatever we think about it.I hope the most of
us think that it is wrong to have that mentality , and don´t judge anyone just
fot their cultures or their physical appearance.
domingo, 10 de junio de 2012
Crash is the latest film we have seen and in my opinion it is a great movie, because it has one of the things i like the most: different stories that intersect each other.
Firstly, it can get you a bit confused because you don't really know the characters yet unless you have seen it before, so you can mix up some of this characters because some of them are very similiar. However, it is a good point to see it again, when you already know the characters so that you can see their behaviour since the beginning of the film and see how their personalities change during the plot.
I found astonishingly unexpected how some of the stories matched with others, altough it gets you more confused as somo of the similar-appearence characters get in touch with the same people, so you can also get confused because of that.
Another problem i had is that I hadn't seen some parts of the film because I had to go before the bell rings (because of exams) and things like that, but i'll watch it again happily, being able to know every character, and maybe in Spanich in order tounderstand the plot completely.
Therefore, it is about a nowadays problem I think, racism. Many people suffer this attitude and the first ones that have to change is how people see racist people (like the young policeman, who refused going on with a racist colleage) and also making racists change (as this police finally changed).
To sum up, I just say that it is an original amazing film, which I recommend to anyone who wants to see a film, it is just wonderful!
I must say I haven’t seen the whole film as I
was absent the first day. But I saw the ending and I can describe some things.
What we find in this film are a lot of different
characters with their own beliefs and feelings. All very different at the beginning,
but very similar in the end.
There are some racial issues considered, as
well as goodness and evilness. For instance, the policeman, who ought to be
fair, is racist, but finally there’s a car crash and he has to save the woman
inside the car, and it turns out that is a black woman he had met before. He saves
her and goes beyond his belief.
And that’s
all I can tell, I didn’t get the plot right but I would like to watch it again
sábado, 9 de junio de 2012
Crash is an action film which started with the corpse of someone who were murdered next to a road. This cause that some stories of people are interwave (this scene is a flashback). There are a lot of types of people in those stories like: the story of one racist police and his novice companion or the story of the locksmith and an arabian shopkeeper. These stories shows us how racism, religious and economic problems can produce several conflicts.
Im really enjoyed this flim because i love films that they are a lot of stories and because they show us how is the real life and how people think about other races and culture. I learn that I must respect people, although they are different of me.
Cassandra's dream
Ian and Terry are brothers that they are in a bad economical time, but they decided to buy a secondhand sailing ship which called "Cassandra´s dream". they use it to sail in the weekends.
Ian met an actress and he fell in love with her but, on the other hand, Terry is addicted to gambling, so this cause that her economic situation were bad.
Howard, Ian and Terry's uncle, have a lot money and he offered them a deal, he gives them money but they must kill a person.
The vision of Woddy Allen in this film, in my opinion, i like it because he shows us that we can´t kill someone by money because after we can regret of kill someone.
I really enjoyed this flim because it is very unpredictable what could happen in the story like when Terry kill Ian, because we saw that they were good brothers that helps themselves when they have problems. This have that you must be pay attention to the movie because if you dont do that, you will lose some scenes. In conclusion, this film is a master piece!
I really enjoyed this flim because it is very unpredictable what could happen in the story like when Terry kill Ian, because we saw that they were good brothers that helps themselves when they have problems. This have that you must be pay attention to the movie because if you dont do that, you will lose some scenes. In conclusion, this film is a master piece!
viernes, 8 de junio de 2012
Crash review
Crash is note the type of movie that you usually watch at the cinema; it is not the story of a protagonist who has a problem and tries to solve it. Crash hasn't got just a main character, it has about ten protagonists and each one ahs his or her own story, which ends "colliding" with the other nine.
Hour protagonists represent the main stereotypes that American population have: a racist policeman, an Arabian who is considered a terrorist just because his origins, a rich black people couple, two black friends who are robbers, a black policeman, and some others. Despite all the violence, disdain and crime shown in the movie by some of the protagonists, remorse also appears as a main topic of the film. For example, the racist policeman humilite the black couple, as he wanted to take it out on some after a bad day, resulting of the balck couple to piss off one with the other, and the next day, as a consequence of the fight, the woman has an car accident, and the policeman who was in the area during the accident has to sorry her, as he needed to be taken out of the car, but she didn't want himt to touch her. In the end, she takes the apologize, and he's able to take her out of the car that was about explode. Laso, during the night, his husband apologize to her for the fight.
We could say that all the film is follows that structure, just changes a little depending on the story.
I liked the film because of that, you don't know what is going to happen when two or more of the stories collide, it may die someone, or someone may redeem. Also, the plots catches you almost since the beginning of the film, as it starts with a lot of "drama action" (if we can call it like that). To finish, I'd like to say that it also shown how real life really is, more or less, as some people still have that old thought of superiority just because they're white, or that all Arabians are terrorist; the world still use old sterotypes, when they shouldn't.
Crash is a film directed
by Paul Haggis. It’s a drama film and it was made in 2004. It won three Oscars:
Best picture, best original screen play and best editing in 2005.
It is a drama film, which
is divided into different stories but all the stories are connected between
them. The film tells us about social and racial tensions.
I don’t really like this
film because I don’t really enjoy drama films. But it shows you how is focus
the issue of racism nowadays and you can think and reflect about it. Because if
we are all together we can change it. We
just have to find ways to solve the problem.
jueves, 7 de junio de 2012
Crash by Elena Morillo
Crash is an action film which is about different people's life. All those people are related in a way that it's unknown until the very end. It starts with and accent, and then it goes back in time.
The protagonists from the stories are very different. There is a mexican father, a muslim owner of a shop, a racist policeman, a new policeman, a rich one, a tv producer and his wife, a black policeman, two black thieves...
Racism and violence are the main issues of the movie. The tv producer and his wife are humiliated by a corrupt policeman, the muslim shop owner has her shop stolen, the mexican father is threaten, the thow black thieves steal a car.... But redemption does exist, and the movie also shows how the corrupt policeman apologizes to the wife of the tv producer and helps her, how one of the thieves don't want to steal, how the rich woman realizes that her only friend is her maiden, how the muslim tries to kill the mexican father, and thinks he has hurt her daughter and realizes that his behaviour wasn't good...
I think society is full of stereotypes and labels that are difficult to change. This movie represents what's going on in the collective mind of society and how difficult is to change it.
The protagonists from the stories are very different. There is a mexican father, a muslim owner of a shop, a racist policeman, a new policeman, a rich one, a tv producer and his wife, a black policeman, two black thieves...
Racism and violence are the main issues of the movie. The tv producer and his wife are humiliated by a corrupt policeman, the muslim shop owner has her shop stolen, the mexican father is threaten, the thow black thieves steal a car.... But redemption does exist, and the movie also shows how the corrupt policeman apologizes to the wife of the tv producer and helps her, how one of the thieves don't want to steal, how the rich woman realizes that her only friend is her maiden, how the muslim tries to kill the mexican father, and thinks he has hurt her daughter and realizes that his behaviour wasn't good...
I think society is full of stereotypes and labels that are difficult to change. This movie represents what's going on in the collective mind of society and how difficult is to change it.
lunes, 4 de junio de 2012
Cassandra´s Dream
Terry and Ian are two brother who, in spite of their bad economical situation, get a sailing ship called ¨Cassandra´s Dream¨ to sail with it in their free time. But as result of Terry´s game problems, they become ruined. they are very nervous but they find a solution to their economical problemas when their rich uncle Howards appear. So they ask him if he could help them economically speaking and he acepts but with a condition, they have to kill a man who could send him to prison.
I think the thème of this film is original and in general very surprenant and dramatic but I have to say I don´t like it so much because I prefer other types of films.
I think the thème of this film is original and in general very surprenant and dramatic but I have to say I don´t like it so much because I prefer other types of films.
viernes, 1 de junio de 2012
Crash tells the story of people from wildly disparate walks of
life as they collide and intersect with one another. Each life is in
some way personally affected, changed,or victimized by racism.
They’re also all in some way guilty of racism themselves. There is no
one without spot. A racist
cop molests a black couple, only later to risk his life to save a black
woman; an honest cop protects a black man from discrimination only to
later discriminate against someone himself. No one leaves the film unscathed.
It's a very intense and provoking film. The dialogues are full of weight when characters discuss heavy topics like poverty, race and other things. Two young black men
carjack a well dressed white couple and discuss racism around them. A
Hispanic man struggles to find safety for his young family, a Persian
immigrant turned US citizen buys a gun to protect his frequently robbed
store, a white DA plays the race card to win elections. The
conversations each group of characters and indeed the characters
themselves connect through coincidence, feeding one into another.
It’s the sort of film you wish you could force everyone to see, maybe if enought people sees it , then the world could be a better place to live.
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