lunes, 21 de noviembre de 2011


We are celebrating THANKSGIVING this week. 

I encourage you to reflect about people and things you feel grateful for. Why don't you start thinking about the teachers who have helped you most? Or the ones who have taught you a very important lesson in life?

I'm looking forward to reading your comments!

sábado, 19 de noviembre de 2011



In the picture “The Garden of Earthly Delights” by Hieronymus Bosch we can see three different panels. The left panel represents the paradise where we can see Adam and Eve with God and some animals. In the center one we observe a lot of people committing the seven capital sins, this panel represents the real world. Finally the right panel illustrates hell, where human beings are being punished for its sins.
Bosch shows a lot of his doubts and frustrations in each part of the triptych. Some of them are just questions asked to the observer, nearly without noticing.
In the paradise there are just three human figures, so we could ask ourselves that paradise and everlasting peace is reachable or not for everybody.
The human being is conditioned to commit sins during its earthly life and finally pay them in hell. Another detail is that most women in the image have apples on top of their heads, recalling the sin women represent themselves. This idea make us some questions, do sins condition our life? Why does religion make women guilty and responsible of freeing sins on Earth? And why, being Adam with Eve is her the responsible of corrupting the original innocence of human beings?
Finally we find hell. A dark and creepy place where people are punished for the sins they’ve committed. A place in which animals are over people, does this mean that animals are punishing human beings for what they’ve done to them during their earthly life?
We could resume our opinion of this picture in two questions. Why do we need religion to tell us what’s wrong or right? If we’re free and we’re taught to have our own personality and opinion, why do we let some people tell us what to think or do?

Manuel Kant, Paula Zambrano and Fernando Nietzsche

viernes, 18 de noviembre de 2011

Qu'est-ce que nous allons faire?

Nous allons raconter un article de journal qui s'agit de le naissance du fils de Carla Bruni, une chanteusse et Sarkozy, le president de France. Plus tard, nous allons faire des questions  sur l'article à le reste de la classe.


We have to give our opinion and comment on this speech.

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2011

PE Project - The explanation

First of all, we have a video of a woman going up and down stairs many ways. You may think she's crazy, as she doesn't do it as the usual way. However, she's not. She's doing some exercise to train her biceps and triceps mainly, and other muscles of the legs.

  • In the first exercise she does, we can see her going downstairs putting one hand on each steap, as we normally do when we go down and ups stairs but using her hands. For keeping the balance, she lean her toes on the steps behind her. If we are doing this exercise, as she says in the end, we have to finish in a plank position; is better for avoiding back injures and doing it let us finishe in a more confortable way.
  • The next exercise is the same as the one before, but this time we have to lean  both hands in the steps before passing to the next step.
  • The third exercise we have in the video make us go upstairs using our arms and bottom. We firste have to sit down in a step as if we were sit on a chair, and then use our arms to elevate our bottom and after that move it to the next step. Then recover the prior position by moving the legs and repeat it untill we got to the end of the staircase. As she says in the video, we should go for speed; it make us work harder and concentrate more on what we are doing.
  • Now this exercise is called "Spiderman walks". It's a very good name for, as it imitates how Spiderman does actually walk. To do it, we have to do basically the same as in the first exercise but this time going upstairs. When doing it, remember to touch the elbow with the lead knee.
  • The next one, we have to say, that it's a bit difficult. We have to go upstairs the opposite way that in exercise one: first the toes and then the hands.
  • To finish explaining the video, here we haave the last exercise. Agian like in exercise number one, but this time instead of leaning your toes, you have to lean your knees. The creator of the video says taht it is more difficult than it seems, but me and my partners wouldn't say that, to be honest.
Now let's talk about Crossfit. When we first so the page, we didn't have a clue of what it was about. So we clicked on the "What is Crossfit?" section, and we then discovered that the page a training page very famaous that is used even in some Army academies. Everyday, the updute the main page with a list of exercises to do. Today's list is not a very good example as it says "Rest Day", but, yestarday's asked us to do a serie of 300 metres runnig and 135 lb push press several times. That's Crossfit, a page to make you do exercise and get fit.